4:51 AM

Kupaih Nyioq (betoi ka camni?)

Posted by Ritz |

Yeah, finally the internet connection is back. After being offline and living without internet connection for the last 2 days (well, seriously its living me in a world of sorrow, you know how my life is without internet), now it's back and here comes my salvation. So good bye to my boredom. Yippee!!!!

Today I learn something new, it is 'Kupas Kelapa', well what they call it in English eh? This is my first time kupas kelapa (don't laugh, I know I'm 21 already.... so what?), well, it's quite hard though, but somehow I manage to do it, (even after my dad and sister laughing and me, poor me). Well, at least I manage to peel the coconut's husk without help from anyone,so I can be proud of that, and I'm adding a new experience and skill. Maybe it is not really a big thing for other people, but as for me, it is a big experience and I'm glad I can learn it during this holiday.

Well, here are some of the pictures.

This is what the coconut looks like after i cut it. Hiargh!!! Attack

Well, I still remember the words that Juggernaut (Hero in Dota) always say "...My knife cab cut through all tomatoes"

I chopped the coconut many times. (After I finished the first round of chopping, I'm trying to peel it, but then my dad told me that I need to chop it more as I'm not chopped it properly. I should have make line from top to bottom - you know what I mean right?)
At least, finally I still doing it in the right way. Heh!

"Don't look at me, I'm naked"

This is the naked coconut. Later my dad cut it into two,because my mom want the milk, uhm I mean COCONUT MILK. ;p

The result, kelapa yang dibogelkan dgn kulitnya

So this is what it really looks like. So next time maybe i can be a "Pengupas Kelapa"
Yeah..... I'm not professional at this skill at all.
But I like to swing the parang here and there. Hiargh!!!!!

P/S: I wish someone will make a new hero in dota using parang as his/her weapon ;p

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