Last day, in our sociolinguistic class, we have listened to a presentation presented by a group, and the focus of the presentation is on language uses in SMS.
Well, what can I say about the presentation? I think it is quite unfair as there are no brief explanation. Why? Okay, first of all, the research has reviewed the use of the language in SMS by dividing them into gender and age. Age - okay. But I'm not quite happy about the explanation about the differences when it come to gender. The researcher has explained more about the uses of the language in SMS amongst the female, but for male, on the other hand, the explanation is not brief enough. It was stated that the female use more complex words in SMS compared to male, and male usually use more simple word. But there is no psychological explanation that really explain why both of the genders are using SMS in different ways.
Well, I think it is enough of the presentation or the research. Now, Let me explain about the SMS using my own experience. HUH???
Okay, first of all. What is SMS? Can anyone define the meaning? Well, obviously SMS means 'Short Message System'? Let we look here, why they used the work SHORT? SMS was invented to help two or more people to interact in easy way by using SHORT codes, or in other word, short msg. Well, it isn't wrong to have a long message (which can reach 3pages), but don't make it looks wrong if people are using the simple word. Hey, it's SMS, not LMS (Long Message System). So if there are people who use simple word for smsing, don't be ashame of yourself, as you did use the system well, as long it is a short but understandable message.
Now, I want to reflect on the uses of language amongst male. I'm a man, so I can tell why we like to use short and simple word. (Sorry, I wont be able to reflect on the uses amongst female as I'm not a woman. Well, if I reflecting on female, it will be unfair right? Why a male should explain on what the female are doing?.... and the same goes to man. Nobody understand man more, except men or their beloved ones.
Back to business. Some people say, when a man says 'Yes', he is not really mean it. Well that is what they say - the women. Well, now I want to give it back to them. Are they really mean it when they say 'Yes' if compared to man? For me, it's a big NO NO NO NO.
Why? Okay, let me give you an example. You are going out with your girl friend. When you sms them, you ask, "are you ready?''. Surely they will reply, "I'm ready''. Then when you go to their houses, you will be waiting for a few minutes, yeah a 'few minutes' until they are really, i mean really ready. HAHAHAHAHA
Sorry if anyone of you hurted by my words. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feeling but what I'm trying to show is, GIRLS, you are not perfect too. I admit, that we, men, do mistakes. But don't look us like we are all completely wrong while you also did the same mistake. And do not compare men to your EXES. We are not your EXES.
Sorry.......... I'm not perfect, neither you.
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