9:01 AM

My Recipe - Coleslaw

Posted by Ritz |

After having some good comments from my housemates especially from Naz, I have decided to put my recipe on my blog, and the first recipe is; coleslaw.
Well, I made some coleslaw some weeks ago and luckily, I got positive responses from my housemates. Well, actually there is no secret ingredient in my coleslaw, it is just you. You, yourself make it different. Chewah..... can Kungfu Panda la plak.

Well, here we go.......

The ingredients for the coleslaw:

1/2 cabbage (sliced)
1/2 carrot (sliced)
2 or 3 spoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/3 cup milk
1 spoon buttermilk
1/2 cup real mayonnaise


  1. Combine cabbage and carrots in a large salad bowl.

  2. Mix remaining ingredients together and mix well in separate bowl.

  3. Pour liquid ingredients over cabbage and carrots and stir.

  4. Refrigerate it in fridge for 2 hours and then it is ready to be serve.

* I put some secret ingredients in my coleslaw, as it is secret..... secret, secreto, secret la......

Hopefully you will like it, and hopefully you can give feedback; any improvement etc.

Next recipes: ikan bakar, grilled or fried black pepper chicken and fried chicken,

5 Feedbacks:

Unknown said...

Duang2.. Suger is not healthy tau.. HEHE..

Duang makes the best coleslaw ever!! I aint playin.. You should try it..

Ritz said...

nak healthy... use brown sugar
or something glucose.

Aisyah Sinclair said...


recipe coleslaw duang di blog! heard from pie that duang's coleslaw is superb!


Ritz said...

hoho... superb?
uhm... just ok.... not superb
if my coleslaw is very best.... KFC should have 'gulung tikar' by now ;p

Zen said...

how about honey and vinegar?

My sis taught me how do make coleslaw with German Dressing.


1. Honey
2. Balsamic Vinegar (the black one) - the grade depends on you and your budget.
3. mayonnaise

you should try it sometimes
(remember to thoroughly dry the veggies first)
