6:14 AM

Babies Do Understand What We Say

Posted by Ritz |

I am the youngest child in my family, I have 3 sisters and a brother. All of my sisters are already married and have their own children. As 'Pak Su', I always play and entertain them, feed them milk (hey, not my milk, instant milk k :P), and etcetera (except bathing them and changing their diapers - my bro does that).

I have 3 nieces and 3 nephews, which means I have watched the development of 6 babies, from infancy to preschoolers. It means I have seen a lot.

And now, I want to share some of my experience (eh jap.... some ke? satu je kot)
Yeah, I want to share with you one thing....... what? READ THE TITLE LA... adeh

Yes, babies do understand what we say, and they also can read our facial expression or body language. Interesting huh?

Based on my personal experience, my nieces and nephews do know if I am mad with them or not. Even just through my body gesture, they can read it well. They also know if I don't like what they have done, so they will stop acting out. And it happened since they were 3 or 4, to be exact. Actually I think it already happened since they were still infants (1 month to 1 year)

Less talk, more action. So let me show you the evidence.
This is my niece, Lydia Maisarah (less than 1 year)
See her actions, do you think she understands what I said?

This is another video of her.
In this video, I asked her to climb her sister... . uhm just watch it
But the video is quite long, 3 mins

2 Feedbacks:

Donut said...


Ritz said...

mesti ar.....
cam pakcik dia yg ensem nih
