Well..... as what all of you have heard before. The Indonesians are calling us, the Malaysians as Malingsia which it brings negative meanings. Well, I don't know why they are hating us so much, and why they keep blaming us for everything, even the problem that are caused by they, themselves.
They whined saying that the Malaysians are being rude to them. Well, it is undeniable that some Indons are treated badly in Malaysia but I think that the Indons giving us more problem than the Malaysians have done to them right?
Read this
read what they say about us and try to relate to the crimes that committed by the fuktarded IndoSial.
And this is the blog where you can try do defend your beloved country from the fuktarded IndoSial
And they also have created a dictionary.... you might be delighted with this URL.
Please take a look
Well, I don't know what to say more. Indonesians really hate Malaysians, most of them. We help them during the tsunami, we treat them as our brothers and sisters. But look what have they done to us. They are ungrateful people who really love and observe with themselves. They are maniac, they are FUKTARDED.
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26 Feedbacks:
they're just jealous
jealousy can kill....
uhm why they are not trying to accept us, hopefully both countries and its people can live in peace one day
Hei you fucktard fuckface!...
Do you really want to know the real inside of this story?...
Your goverment is tryng to find way to unite all the race in your country, thats also full of racism...
And think with that high school brain of yours!
What the easiest way to unite people? Find an enemy! Thats why your country keep trying to find ways to make us crack, okay!
Your the ones who is trying the create the problem between us
So if you really want peace!
Block all the provocation from the media, it's one of the tactics
Goverments is the one who trying to break the peace!
Learn some fact, from a deep source
Then you can start making conclutions
By the way that picture of yours?
Seriously you look gay,
just some advice
jaman dlu sblm malaysia semaju ini, orang2 malaysia sekolah dimana.??
sekarang udah maju, malah ngajak berantem.!!
Do us, Malaysian ever bother you, Indonesians?
Come on, face the reality.
Sultan, you've said that we are hypocrite? Racist?
So can you explain what happen to your country FEW YEARS AGO?
Ok, you want to refer to fact.
Let see, according to fact. The crime cases in Malaysia increases since many people imported Indonesian workers to our country.
And in fact, the workers from Indonesia give us lot of problem.
I do respect to those who came here and work hard. But I really hate people like you, Sultan and Putri who always look down to us, Malaysians.
Who was the first to call the other with bad names?
Was it Malaysian? Or Indonesian?
Face the reality.
But I do respect those who respect us.
Those who aren't. Do not ever think that we will respect you too.
P/S: Please control your attitude, and please behave. You are in OUR HOUSE - MALAYSIA.
If you hate us, don't come here and work here. Just work in your beloved country.
Well may i put some comments?
Firstly, why don't we just stop blaming each other.
Okay, i'm indonesian. I try to respect you. I won't blame you for everything.
Maybe you want to know why, us, indonesian people hates malaysia
First. Malaysia steal our dances,our songs,our traditional foods,our cultures.
Please, you'll angry, and mad if your cultures are stolen by another country, won't you?
No offense, it is hurting, very deep.
Second, one of malaysian, named Noordin M Top the famous bomber, he ran away. He ruined Indonesia. Why must he bomb Indonesia?
Destroy indonesia?
What have we done?
Third, you take our land.
What else?
Okay enough about that
Why dont we just stop the cold war here.
Stop taking ours.
And we'll stop blaming malaysia for everything
Oic. So you mean that by practicing the cultures inherited by different races in Malaysia is a CRIME?
I don't know why are you people really hate Malaysian because of this issue. Yes Malaysia does practice some of the cultures like dances etc. But listen. Can't they do that? Can't Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year in Malaysia? Cant' Christians celebrate their events too?
Come on. In multi-races country, we let the people to practice and enjoy their cultures. If we forced them not to practice their cultures - THAT'S CRUEL. THAT'S A CRIME. Think first before you talk.
I don't want to say that I'm supporting Malaysian Government as they did lot of mistakes. But hey same goes to your government.
But the point here is, stealing???? So u mean that the Javanese and etc cannot enjoy and practice their cultures? Get a grab sis.
I do respect Indonesians too. Who not over jealous, etc. Come with good reasons pls. Yes That Md Top is crazy I admitted that. He is a shame for us. But don't you think that Indonesians too cause a lot of troubles for us? And why are you not blaming Singapore? For the treatment that they gave to your people? Weird.
Anyway. To all Muslims (regardless their countries). Happy Ramadhan Al Mubarak.
P/S: To all good Indonesians. I have no intention to hurt you. I know that you will feel that I'm bias. But I made this post to respond to fuktarded people who keepp blaming us without good reasons. THIS POST IS DEDICATED TO THOSE FUKTARDED ONLY. ENJOY FUKTARDED
Q: Can't Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year in Malaysia?
A: They can. We do like chinese celebration.
Q: Cant' Christians celebrate their events too?
A: Sure you can do it too.
Q: Can malaysia PATENTS some famous indonesian cultures?
A: Uhmm... I guess it's called 'stealing', right?
Q: Can malaysia do some tourism bussiness in an island located deep in indonesia's teritory?
A: I'm not surprised anymore. They already claim some indonesian islands before, right? They want more for sure.
Q: Do you Indonesian hates Malaysian people?
A: We DO HATE malaysia's government, but not the people. Many malaysian people (including malaysian students) live happily in indonesia. unfortunately malaysian government seems like to annoy indonesian people these days. its not happen several years ago.
Q: Why malaysia's government seems like to annoy indonesian people?
A: I don't know. Ask them please.
I say just get along =.= I read some info. seems like another World War xD but then y not make peace? well yea. i saw in one website u steal from us and on another one we call u names. see? THERE IS NO FACT IN WHICH CAME FIRST. Even I'm Indonesian. Maybe it leads to one guy, Noordin M. Top. He is a terrorist, a malaysian one. he attack indonesia. i dont know why but yeah... we both have things we hate each other beacuse of this stuff.
Peace :D
And dont think im a hippie -.- the whole SEA can get involved if things come to bigger problems. like that silly old Noordin >:(
Agree with me pls, this is a good way to solve it rite?
Oh, and they CLAIMED the culture crap. Not the ppls, the government. but i dont care cuz its boring anyway xD
I prefer games and y'know. maybe... humm... the Q: above? I dont care cus I dont have anything personal. me is carefree :D thats a good thing
Indonesia sebenarnya adalah negara sangat bersahabat..mari datang kesini kita buktikan dengan nyata...mau tau biar bisa damai...SALING MENGHARGAI (DO RESPECT To US)..kalau mau klaim diskusi dulu dengan Indonesia mengingat banyak kesamaan..jangan asal klaim..
mau tau kejadian ambalat!!..itu karena Malaysia buat peta sendiri padahal sudah ada peta sebelumnya dan sudah diakui..hanya dikarenakan kepentingan ekonomi malaysia serta merta mengakuinya..bukankan itu perbuatan untuk mencari musuh???..
saat ini malaysia sibuk mempatenkan makanan dan kesenian..apakah sudah diskusi dengan Indonesia? the answer is NOO!!!..what ashame.!!..padahal mereka mengetahui bahwa banyak yang asal mulanya dari daerah yang saat ini disebut INDONESIA!!..
Apakah pernah kita klaim punya Malaysia!..no WAY!!..tidak akan pernah!!
Jangan sebut kita jealousy..anti malaysia dikarenakan perbuatan malaysia sendiri..
Jadi untuk negara sombong yang so kuat dan tidak pernah merasakan perang!!..berhati2lah dengan negara yang disebut INDONESIA!!..karena negri kamu sangat dianggap kecil disini!!..
Kami tidak perlu sukhoi atau apapun untuk menghadapi negri sekecil malaysia..hanya tinggal berangkat saja...it's true and facts..
So do u want to diskus? or war?
Replying to Capung64
Which medias keep spilling the oil on the fire? I didn't see medias in Malaysia putting so much fire as Indonesians.
Which people keep on hunting other people? Malaysian or Indonesian?
Recently, some Indonesians were trying to hunt down the Malaysians in Indo. Why we never did that? (except for the government - but not as what the Singapore government has done to illegal immigrant)
Who start calling people with bad name? Ask yourself.
That what we called as arrogant, blaming other people without looking at their own faults.
You want fight with Malaysia? See now who is arrogant mr. Did we want a war? LOL.
Claiming own rights
If you aren't satisfied with the issues of some island that are now belongs to Malaysia, you shouldn't. Firstly, the people themselves want to be in Malaysia (have you refer to the vote, mister capung64?). The international law tribunal already conducted many researches and survey conducted on the people shown that the islands are belong to Malaysia, and most of the residents want to be a part of Malaysia. So can you force someone who don't want to stay your house to be a part of your family?
Food? Culture?
LOL. Even these two issues......
As I have mentioned before, there are Javanese in Malaysia, so won't you expect some similarities like in Indonesia? Duh. We are embracing all cultures as the cultures of Malaysian, but we did not say that all cultures originally come from Malaysia. Embracing, practicing and stealing are different dude.
Please look into the mirror. You will see who is actually jealous
Replying to hexanouns
Q: Can't Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year in Malaysia?
A: They can. We do like chinese celebration.
Q: Cant' Christians celebrate their events too?
A: Sure you can do it too.
Q: Can malaysia PATENTS some famous indonesian cultures?
A: Uhmm... I guess it's called 'stealing', right? So what are you trying to say is, the Javanese in Malaysia can't have their rights to apply and practice their cultures? But other races like Chinese, Tamil etc are allowed to practice their cultures. Uhm I wonder why the people from China never complain, "Hey Malaysia is stealing our culture LOL"
Q: Can malaysia do some tourism bussiness in an island located deep in indonesia's teritory?
A: I'm not surprised anymore. They already claim some indonesian islands before, right? They want more for sure. Yes, the international law tribunal has decided that some of the islands are belong to Malaysia, but we still let the ships from Indonesia to set sail. And based on the surveys conducted, the people of the island are proud and willing to be a part of Malaysia. So you mean that the international tribunal is lying?
Q: Do you Indonesian hates Malaysian people?
A: We DO HATE malaysia's government, but not the people. Many malaysian people (including malaysian students) live happily in indonesia. unfortunately malaysian government seems like to annoy indonesian people these days. its not happen several years ago. Owh, you don't hate Malaysian. But why recently Malaysians in Indonesia were hunting down by the uncivilized people in Indonesia? If you hate our government, why hurting Malaysians? Did we hunt Indonesians down in Malaysia? No. But we made the Indonesians in Malaysia rich. They even get higher pay than the locals. We're bad? LOL
Q: Why malaysia's government seems like to annoy indonesian people?
A: I don't know. Ask them please.
Yes. Ask your media massa. And your former president Sukarto with his 'Ganyang Malaysia'. Ask yourself :D
i refer to Arumi's comment "Malaysia steal our dances,our songs,our traditional foods,our cultures".
honestly, pls THINK before u write. all this started when the discovery channel broadcast a program about malaysia and its heritage. they broadcast it wrongly because they aren't well aware of the subject matter. once they know that all the dances, food, bla bla bla that u claim WE steal from u (which clearly isn't the case) they've omitted the parts and broadcast it again. so let me remind u, that is out of our hands. we didn't even know what was happening because we never intend to claim what is indonesian's as ours. minangkabau & jawa blood run in my very vein. my great grandprents migrated from indonesia to malaysia. i'm proud to be malaysian. i don't see any reason why you all indonesians should be mad at us. do consider there are some indonesians living in malaysia. not to mention the uneducated ones who come with diseases (literally & metaphorically = social illnesses). they come here and rape, snatch, kidnap our local people. so don't talk abt u being mad coz u people really dont deserve it. the ones who should be as mad as hell is us. not u.
Replying to Pinkthedonkey
"THERE IS NO FACT IN WHICH CAME FIRST. Even I'm Indonesian. Maybe it leads to one guy, Noordin M. Top"
I think you have a very misleading info here. What made the Indonesians hate Malaysians the most? Why don't you try to find info on history. Who started 'Ganyang Malaysia'? Then you will know who started this 'cold war'. (not like the real cold war though).
But I didn't say what that Nordin did was good. For me, his acts were devilish and unaccepted. I also x like him.
And I did agree with you. Both countries should discuss and negotiate. This endless 'cold war' should end. But it won't end unless if both sides want to end it. Am i right? And to end it is not by hunting, killing or blaming the other side. But through negotiation.
Replying to apple santiago
I couldn't agree more.
But I don't know if they can accept it :P
i refer to capung64's comment: "saat ini malaysia sibuk mempatenkan makanan dan kesenian..apakah sudah diskusi dengan Indonesia? the answer is NOO!!!..what ashame.!!..padahal mereka mengetahui bahwa banyak yang asal mulanya dari daerah yang saat ini disebut INDONESIA!!.."
to be honest with u we are in no way ever dream of claiming what's indonesian's ours. dalam bahasa melayu kami tak ingin nak curi, atau ciplak, atau PATENT hak2 kamu sebagai hak kami sebabnya kami tak kebuloq atau tak kelapaq. ahaha. enuff said. please read my comment above which i refer to Arumi. ive explained there so i dont have to explain in here.
to pinthedonkey
"i saw in one website u steal from us"
how thick could you get???
do cite which source u read and get this stupid idea from. i mean really. cite the source. there's no absolute credibility in what you're saying.
to sultan
"So if you really want peace!
Block all the provocation from the media, it's one of the tactics"
again, don't be so dimwitted abt this. who's agitated now? whose media is provocative now?? the media in malaysia doesn't give a damn about you and your heritage or your country. so don't be too flattered. we have other issues at stake like making sure the opponents win the election etc. the media here has never been provocative or never agitate the malaysians to be hatred towards the indons. they've created enough mess themselves for us to hate them. if u come and live here, you will know how dangerous and worried sick it is for u to protect your daughters, your wives, from falling victims of rape to the indons. need i say more?
this is what you said, "Your goverment is tryng to find way to unite all the race in your country, thats also full of racism..."
our government never bothers abt you people so they've never put in some effort or give a damn abt uniting us all by creating an enemy which is U. that is by far the stupidest thing i've ever known in my whole entire life. sultan, dont be too flattered. pull urself together man. or should i say, think with ur toddler brain of yours;P
our government has many other things to fend for like generating more money for the country and winning the damn election. so uh, get a life dude!
we dont need an enemy to unite. we already have one but that's definitely not you or your people or your country.
and sultan, who are you to give remarks abt how another human being looks? like gay? you are in now way to give anyone any comment abt his or her sexual orientation. u definitely are a gay yourself coz ur probably attracted or ur just a gay basher. which is which? i don't know. ahahaha. so don't hurt urself big boy. you'll only get urself coaxed into rubbish flattering which is never one of our concerns anyway. get a life.
to other indonesians, before you comment, think twice and dont make urself so apparent stupid. at least, this blogger is willing to apologize and shake hands with peace. he's stated he doesn't hate all indonesians but only those who commit gross and punishable crimes in malaysia like rape, snatch, robbery, hijacking, kidnapping, etc. we dont have the educated and pious ones. they're good. remember, whatever one person does to another, it doesn't project that all people of its country is the same.
i apologize in advance if my remarks seem harsh but it was never intended to hurt anyone. if it did, i apologize. may god bless all of us.
Wow.... what a nice comment there.
Thanks apple for your intelectual and detailed information........ and not forgotten for backing me up too :D
To all people, regardless your countries, please read all opinions and think wisely. Don't make your conclusion based on something that you don't know. Don't be like a fool. You did it because everybody in your country do that? That is fucking irrelevant (for negative attitudes to be followed).
For those Indonesians who have commented here.Let me restated it once again. I just can only see the same things here - food, culture, and then Nordin Top?
Food and culture - it is the right for the any race to practice their cultures.
Nordin Ahmad Top - Yes he was a very big criminal. But let me tell you something, since the number of Indonesians in Malaysia increases, the number of crime rates also increases. Yes nowadays, we, Malaysians feel unsecured by the presence of Indonesians. I don't say that all Indonesians in Malaysia are bad, but most of them (esp illegal immigrant) created many troubles in Malaysia. Raping a mother then let the daughter saw it before raping the daughter too??? Is that better than Nordin? Both are the same.
I think these indonesians are way over their heads aren't they? ambalat waters? apasal aku x pnah isu tu disebut dlm berita? kitorg kalah batu putih pn x kecoh cm ni. byk lag tanah diambil singapore tanpa pengetahuan msia pn x smpai ke tahap nk berperang bodo cm org x bertamadun. pakai parang, pedang n arrows? tolonglah, mcm org zaman batu berebut teritori je. Looking at their "great determination" aku rasa mcm betapa cetek pmikiran org2 indon nih. Indon akan menang kunun. I think too much sekularisme in their country has gotten the best of them. Kalo org islam xkan lah nk galakkan perkara ni berlaku. Allah dah timpa kan bala' berulang kali pn tak insaf2 lg. Bukan nk ckp padan muka tp kan setiap perkara yg ditimpa ada sebabnya? Semangat tak kena tmpat lgsg.
taw takpe..mcm2 bala dtg pon tak sedar diri..come on lah..sultan? "So if you really want peace!
Block all the provocation from the media, it's one of the tactics"
the provocation came from ur media, not ours..our media still giving indonesian or indosial a lot of space like the stupid sinetrons,(cant remember the tittle but how stupid cud it be to have Islamic theme but still believe in fairies?? wtf! ) n some radio airing indosial's music a lot more than malaysian's..
n wat? we r the one who started this??? we? yg sebok2 dtg susah pyh terhegeh2 naik bot masuk tanpa izin tu org mana? malaysian ada ke pegi indon susah2 camtu? yet u said we start this?? ohhh wat happen to ur eyes+ head + brain etc..i think all indosial got brain damaged! sultan..go fuck urself really hard so tat ur brain can work again..pity u..
so arumi, we stole ur culture??ohh GOD!! the culture starts in any place wer the native travels n settles..ur "culture" is here because ur people had came here and settled here.. thank to US,MALAYSIAN, we allowed them to practice their culture here..come on indosial..learn to appreciate our favors..is it so hard to do? r u guys that uncivilised?? ur guys r so ANJING-LIKE..
p/s: everytime i drive n see indosials walking by the street, really feel like want to crash over them..so how do i control this when i have to read all the stupid retarded uncivilised indosial bitching wit the malaysian on the net...
taw takpe..mcm2 bala dtg pon tak sedar diri..come on lah..sultan? "So if you really want peace!
Block all the provocation from the media, it's one of the tactics"
the provocation came from ur media, not ours..our media still giving indonesian or indosial a lot of space like the stupid sinetrons,(cant remember the tittle but how stupid cud it be to have Islamic theme but still believe in fairies?? wtf! ) n some radio airing indosial's music a lot more than malaysian's..
n wat? we r the one who started this??? we? yg sebok2 dtg susah pyh terhegeh2 naik bot masuk tanpa izin tu org mana? malaysian ada ke pegi indon susah2 camtu? yet u said we start this?? ohhh wat happen to ur eyes+ head + brain etc..i think all indosial got brain damaged! sultan..go fuck urself really hard so tat ur brain can work again..pity u..
so arumi, we stole ur culture??ohh GOD!! the culture starts in any place wer the native travels n settles..ur "culture" is here because ur people had came here and settled here.. thank to US,MALAYSIAN, we allowed them to practice their culture here..come on indosial..learn to appreciate our favors..is it so hard to do? r u guys that uncivilised?? ur guys r so ANJING-LIKE..
p/s: everytime i drive n see indosials walking by the street, really feel like want to crash over them..so how do i control this when i have to read all the stupid retarded uncivilised indosial bitching wit the malaysian on the net...
Film pendek masalah Indonesia vs malaysia
I know why Indonesia and Malaysia like this
probably because Noordin M Top who thwart the match Indonesia and Manchester united ... and actual problems of the island is also part of this problem
Indonesia Malaysia but could not unite?
yah bocah malay di ladenin
kan di ag punya otak makanya dia menas manasin kita
sama aja seluruh negri malaysia ga punya otak
makcik kentot dulu asyekk@@
Garry: This problem wasn't started by Nordin Mat Top. I do believe you still remember one of your former President who started this war against Malaysia. Don't you?
Cila: jangan bekerja di Malaysia kalau kamu tidak bisa menghormati kami. Boleh? Owh pastinya tidak :D
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