4:41 PM

It's Monday!!!

Posted by Ritz |

Another Monday....
Uhm, what to do eh? I have Monday, I need to dress smartly. Well I think I am smart enough so I dont need to wear neatly.
Well..... I'm just bored, still not sleeping after sahur (watching Nazri sleeping ;p).
Jk la, just editing my blog and playing DOTA.
Well, a gamer is always a gamer. Once a gamer forever gamer la. Btol x hafriz?

Actually, I have made a silly mistake. A very big mistake. It almost cost me the biggest thing in my life, which I dont want to share it with anyone. But I just want to tell share with you my experience.

Please think when you are doing something. Think of others, think of the person you love, and think of God. I am relief that the person still accepting me, after so many times..... I keep on repeating the same thing.

Hopefully it wont happen again. Seeing your beloved ones sad, it makes u sad and crushed.

Think wisely.

1 Feedbacks:

WA said...

cheers senpai! (:
