8:39 AM

Lottery for Caffeine Maniacs!!!

Posted by Ritz |

Any caffeine lovers or addicts here?? Well I have a good news for you.
You can win the most valuable prize in the world if you have followed these steps.
Uhm. Actually there is only one step to entitled yourself as the winner.

The step is.....

Just drink any drinks that contain caffeine (as coffee or espresso) for about 7-14 cups, the more u take, the higher your chances to win

Congrats, you are the winner........... the prize is

Well, this is a true story that happened to a boy in US. Please read it.

Could ever imagine that drinking coffee could endanger your life? It never struck me even once but today I read this story. Jasmine Willis, 17, developed a fever and began hyperventilating after drinking seven double espressos while working at her family's sandwich shop.

Here is how caffeine poisoning progresses:

1. laughing and crying for no reason
2. fever
3. difficulty breathing which causes hyperventilation
4. hot flushes
5. palpitations (very, very high heart rate e.g., 180 bpm)
6. shock
7. coma
8. death

Scary right? Well that's the truth coffee contains caffeine which actually is a neurotoxin which forces the nerves to instruct muscles to contract out of control. Coffee plants evolved this toxin to kill off pests. Unfortunately, some of these bugs got addicted to caffeine and went on ravaging coffee plants. Then humans got into taking coffee. It was the Turks who first brewed coffee, they used it as a substitute stimulant to wine. Forget all the logic that stimulants are haram. Today caffeine is used to keep people awake and a pesticide. Yes, pesticide!

So guys, you better watch out. Try not to take caffeine everyday. Prevention is better than cure.

7 Feedbacks:

aku firhan.. said...

bahaye tu.nseb baek aku x xuke sgt caffeine..

Unknown said...

NooOOO!!.. I'm a coffee addict.. I've always known that caffeine is bad.. Just didn't know how bad..

WA said...

hmm...something to ponder...

Aisyah Sinclair said...


wah, blogging jugak?

mesti link kan nih! ^___^

Unknown said...

Hmmm.. This is a really serious topic..


*While drinking coffee..*

Ritz said...

No wonder my body can't accept any caffeine
It knows well the danger ;p
So naz n pie shud consider to limit it eh

Next will be.... the danger of Energy Drinks.... Naz livita can kill u too

Unknown said...

Aku thu duang, that's why I drink red bull.. HEHEHE..
