7:14 PM

World of Warcraft

Posted by Ritz |

It is a good news for the gamers, especially those who like the game that was provided by Blizzard such as Diablo and Warcraft.
I'm sure all of you have heard about WoW, hell yeah, is there any gamers that never heard of this game? So don't call yourself a gamer la.....

Well, for those who want to play but dont have money...... I suggest u to play at this private server. DOnt worry, it wont lagg as it is MALAYSIAN SERVER.
The server is quite nice, free-lag, and u will get unique item when you create your character. The only problem is, there is only a small amount of player here. Just about 100.

So lets crowded the server. Check the url. http://www.wodnetserver.com/
Hopefully many Malaysians will join this server

Btw here are some of the videos of WoW

Think girls never play WoW? Think again.

Some music videos - WoW version

3 Feedbacks:

Unknown said...

Hey.. I know WOW.. I must cool.. Yeah..

Zen said...

still we have to pay something to play, rite?

I don't recommend students playing this.

Ritz said...

Uhm well.... what can i say?
About this server, it is a private server, a Malaysian private server.
But if you feel it is wrong and unethical to play without paying it, I recommended you to play Ori WoW which you have to pay about USD30-USD50 a month. But I'm quite sure that it is expensive, and not many will able to play on the ori server.

The game is a good game. Here you can interact with other players of the world (if you play international server), and have some good values too. But it is a game. Hey all games have negative values. This game will make you addicted, but not for all. I think that Hafriz and I still manage to control ourself. Right Hafriz?
