6:57 AM

A bad experience during convo

Posted by Ritz |

Everyone will be very grateful to celebrate their first convocation, well the same goes to me. Or maybe I should say, that is how it supposed to be, but the reality is, my first convo is sucks. So many bad things happened on that day. I supposed to be celebrating the excitement and enjoyment with my family and friends. But what did I get? Tense? Yeah hell yes.

There are many reasons that lead to this condition.

1) I was late to the celebration due to.... uhm I have to go with my family members, so u know how will it be right? having to go to a place with our family members is a blessing, but when they're dragging the time............ well it is another thing. so I was late, and was in rush and very not well-organized. I cannot take picture with my friends and family (just managed to take a few of them though)

2) SOMEONE stole my hood!!!! Damn, I cursed whoever has stolen my hood, I had to pay for the fine. Damn it. I believe that the culprit might be one of the graduates hanging around. I really hate you. FUCK. It happened in just a few minutes. I will not curse u if u steal my money or handphones (my exp - lost money n hps but never curse the culprits, not yet). But for this case, I have to go through many things just because of this culprit.

Lastly, the event ended at 6 (nearly) and I have to rush here and there, so I x have plenty time to spend with family and friends taking pictures together. This is the saddest thing, I want to keep the memory forever, and I believe one of the best methods to do so is by taking pictures. But, I just managed to take a few of them.........

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